miércoles, noviembre 22, 2006

mover ficha

Estoy haciendo treball de recerca... me han castigado sin internet... así que iré al grano.
Stoy en crisis. Si. En crisis. Demasiado estress.... demasiado... no se! en fin.... voy a dejarme de gilipoyeces y voy a actuar.

He de mover ficha.

(como jumanji!)

Moveré ficha.

3 comentarios:

ZHP dijo...

What does "mover ficha" mean?

Anónimo dijo...

Anitaaaaaaaaaaa, no t'estressis homeeeeeee!!! Tothom porta un estrés bestial a sobre... us heu de prendre les coses amb més calma...

Ens veiem avui eh?! Un petóoo!!!


ZHP dijo...

It´s been said several different times that Chinese people represent crisis with two symbols that mean danger and opportunity: danger because if the crisis it is not properly faced it might get worse and, opportunity because it is precisely right in the middle of these situations when new horizons are opened.

The thing is that it is also believed a crisis is even more dangerous for intelligent people, because basically they can satisfactorily justify themselves either the good way or the wrong way.

“Tirar ficha” seems to be the best option even when it may also include some stop-and-smell-the-flower moments: you know, the capacity to recognize and appreciate the little things in life that make it so beautiful and the big ones that make it so great!!

The best option is always good but the wisest is simply fantastic!!